Thread: New 29G BioCube
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Old 05-03-2009, 04:30 AM
DACJ DACJ is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
This is a great DIY fuge light for the BC29 but you would have to pull the tank away from the wall.

There are also submersible fuge lights.
Thanks for the link ! It's so detailed too!

Anyways, so I went to LFS today, and the guy suggested that there is no need to use protein skimmer, so I just bought some LR rubble and placed Chemi-pure on top of the rubble then closed up the drip tray on top.

I did add more water to get rid of the water fall noise, but then the chemipure is now soaked in water all the time...that will be no good right? or is it actually better? and he also said there is no need for purigen, chemipure will be enough...and I stayed around a little longer after that looking around, and realized that they were out of purigen anyway...but it is true that either one will be good enough?

Brown algae is starting to grow on the rocks, I hope it's not gonna over grow too much cause I only planned to put CUC in the tank next week of time will probably get the tank real dirty...full of slime algae eh?
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