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Old 05-02-2009, 04:08 PM
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plutoniumJoe plutoniumJoe is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 283
plutoniumJoe is on a distinguished road

I have a GFCI on my tank and feel better knowing that it is there but I wonder if I am defeating it's purpose by also having a UPS. I have just my power heads plugged into the UPS so if the GFCI trips or the power goes out I have some flow for a while. My question though is about the UPS preventing the GFCI form tripping if the ground fault results from one of the power heads plugged into it?
210 Gallon slowly gaining population.

Foxface, Naso, Coral Beauty, 2 Clowns, 2 Chromis, Orange Anthias, and Striped Goby.
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