Originally Posted by JTaylor420
Are you guys aware you can grab a hot conductor of any voltage and have that voltage flow through you with absolutely no ill effect? if there is no path to ground through you then nothing will happen, i've done it so don't tell me i don't know what i'm talking about. For me personally i'm not scared of electricity i know that it simply will take the shortest path to ground and if it's not me great who cares.
This should win "Most Irresponsible Post Ever".
If you are a licensed electrician you know that it only takes 200mA to stop your heart, it might not happen often but it could happen any time you are shocked. You've been trained not to have your left hand grounded and grab something that might be live with the right, it's pure reflex probably. The average person kneeling down to get something out of their sump with left hand in puddle, right hand on busted heater is at serious risk.
Why do building codes require GFCI or current limiting sockets in bathrooms? Same thing.
Originally Posted by JTaylor420
I do however on the other hand care very much so if i go out lets say at 6:45 am in the morning for work and boom 7 am nuisance trip when something kicks on. Guess what 5-6 at night when i come home i'll be some upset if everything in my tank is dead corals, fish everything 2000$+ wasted because some infernal device shut off for no reason.
If you lose your whole tank because the power was off for 12 hours you set it up wrong. There are all sorts of things you can do to minimize this risk.