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Old 05-01-2009, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
No it won't. You have to use something like Joe's Juice or mix up some Kalk paste and use that directly on each one. They are a pain in the butt to get rid of. Some Peppermint shrimp will eat the smaller aiptasia, but won't touch the Majanos.

You don't NEED a skimmer, but I would highly recommend one for a novice reef keeper. It tends to buffer the mistakes you will make, by lowering the disolved wastes.
I agree, good posting. Joes Juice is kind of a waste of money. To save Alot of Cash just buy some Kalk powder and make a paste than get a syringe and coat the Majanos with it. I have injected them with it but in my case it seems to work better if you coat them. For the aptasia you can do the same. Some of the bigger aiptasia the peppermint shrimp don't touch but you should'nt see any new ones pop up.

You don't need a skimmer but it sure makes life a hell of alot easier. But seriously get a skimmer. Lots of people upgrade and there is usually alot of good used skimmers on this site for sale.
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