Originally Posted by TheRealBigAL
You would cheer for an american team over a canadian team ? Whats wrong with you ? canada is the best at hockey but when was the last time we had a cup. Even if the canucks got knocked out and the flames were in it. I would cheer for the canadian team. Parkinsn your a disgrace to your country. dont come onto a canucks thread and talk smack when its obvious you dont have any hockey sense.
Canucks are my number one team but I would proudly cheer for another canadian team. Because Im proud to be canadian.
Give it a break. I have been a Detroit fan since Howe played there and he is Canadian.
I also was a Bruins fan in the haydays of the Bruins/Canadians great rivalry,s. Took my fair share of ribbing then. Wish I could find some of those guys now.
Anyways, bad 3rd. period guys but great victory. Not a whoop dee do Canuck fan but as our only team left, I will cheer for them.