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Old 05-01-2009, 12:57 PM
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Originally Posted by carnut View Post
We have a well also. We get a sulfer smell when we've used lots and lots of water. Before you pour bleach down the well, try this, If the smell is stronger out of the hot tap, this works for us. Turn off the main water supply. Pour a bottle of peroxide in a container you can siffen back into the water heater. Siffon an equal amount of fresh water back into the heater. makes sure peroxide makes it into the heater. Let stand for 1 hour min. The plumbing store told us about this, works great gets rid of smell. Smell is mostly heater core rod reating with water.
Hmm be very careful with peroxide. If you do this I would ensure that the system is not sealed, it must be vented. As peroxide decomposes it releases oxygen and depending on the strength of the peroxide ALOT of oxygen and if cannot vent it will explode with tremendous force.
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