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Old 07-02-2003, 06:15 AM
Lucky Trout Lucky Trout is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Mission
Posts: 11
Lucky Trout is on a distinguished road

I hate to say it but you guys are right i think i way sleeping when i wrote the first Thread.

I still need to get rid of alot of Equipment and need to sell it at a fare price. My stuff ain't gold but i know what it cost me. So iv'e droped the price of everyting hoping someone will take this off my hands.

I really need to sell the rock First. ASAP.

Will sell in any load. but would like to sell boxes of 80 Lbs for $ 250. or
$ 3.00 a Lbs.

Also i still have the tank, stand and glass lid for $ 1300.00 Obo.

2X 110watt Compact Fluorescents (4 new bulbs 1 month ago) $300.00 Pair

SeaClone Hang-on Protein skimmer $ 60.00

Ehiem Pro 2028 Canaster filter $ 130

Aquaclear 500 $40

2X 802 Powerheads $ 25 each $ 50.00 pair

I bought this stuff when i got the tank and havent used any one them.

Kent Marine Additives: Liquid Reactor 16.oz, Coral-Vite 8.oz, Coral-Accel
8.oz, Strontium & Molybdenum 8.oz, Essential Elements 8.oz, Marine C 8.oa,Lugol's Solution 8.oz(iodine) Plus 7.06.oz can of O.S.I. Spirulina Flakes unopened, NutraFin Mini Master Test Kit (never used), 16.oz Bottle of Cycle never used all for $100.00 OBO

If you are insterested please PM me thanks
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