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Old 05-01-2009, 04:58 AM
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Ron99 Ron99 is offline
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It's not 100% confirmed. I go that info from the fellow at reefcentral who was organizing the group buy there. Those are the prices he quoted me and shipping was included in that price. If you aren't in the lower mainland then you would probably have to pay shipping from here to your location. He was a bit busy and didn't have much time to talk so I told him I would follow up with him next week when I had some idea of how many pumps we might be interested in.

At this point, I'm not looking for 100% commitment but interest from people who were probably buying one anyhow at full price or those that would be highly likely to buy if we can get some sort of discount. I can then give vendors a range of quantities and find out what discounts they might do.

We would likely have to pay PST and GST at the border too but we would probably pay that where ever we bought them.