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Old 05-01-2009, 04:03 AM
hillegom hillegom is online now
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Surrey
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hillegom is on a distinguished road

Well the mouse is small, is easy to catch, will flush, and adds extra bacteria. Worked for me. Like I said, an old guy told me, I am telling you, just passing it on.
So your neighbor has a garburater, for 20 yrs, how long between his tank being sucked out.
You of course, could do what your neighbor does. All I am saying, we had a family of 6, growing up, washable diapers etc. But excess water, we did not do that. I had to contend with 3 teenagers and a wife having showers once a day. Still, after 10 yrs, I still had room in that tank, mostly a lot of soap in the beginning. but at the end, everything looked good. So three pumpings in 30 yrs.
Think of this: If you throw all your vegetables into a compost bin, at the end of the year, how much black humus do you have? Well, all of that is at the bottom of your septic tank, which has to be pumped out!
"We were told adding water to the system will never be an issue" The water itself will never be an issue because you have good drainage. But remember, water in= water out. Flushing bacteria out with it. You want as mutch bacteria in the tank as you can keep
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