05-01-2009, 03:44 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Bragg Creek
Posts: 918
I appreciate the info... my next door neighbor has been here 20 plus years and uses a garburator. I was asking her about it... We do have a huge septic field and with the way the landscape is, it drains very easily. We were told adding water to the system will never be an issue. Our septic system was designed for a family of six and there are only two of us. I have the LG Tromme washer/dryer which really saves on water, and am frugal with water consumption. I put Super septic bacteria into the toilet once a month, and try to never use antibacterial soaps or cleaners either. I also changed the toilet to the new low volume units.
I don't think flushing a dead mouse is really doable... why the dead mouse?
Originally Posted by hillegom
Septic tank wastes are broken down by bacteria. Water going to the tank decreases the parts per million, bacteria to water. The more bacteria you have the faster the wastes are assimilated. For every gallon you send down the pipe to the tank, one gallon has to leave the tank for the field. The length of field you need is determined by the type of soil you have and your local regulations.
Do not send water to the septic tank from your aquariums.
Do not use a garburater, as this is just more work for the bacteria.
Once or twice a year, flush down a dead mouse.
Find some packets of bacteria and flush these down once a year, just before going on vacation. I bought mine at the local co-op.
Use only liquid soap.
If you can stand to do this, there was a motto "If its yellow, let it mellow, if its brown flush it down" lol
I only had a septic tank. When I bought that place, I had to find out all I could about it and asked around and gleaned this bit of info from an old guy, now deceased RIP
Everyone had two tanks. One for the sinks, showers/bath and laundry called a soap box, the second for the toilets, called a septic tank. See the analogy? Less water to the septic. You only had to clean out the soap box more often, because the soap comes out of solution when it gets cold.
These days, to "save" money, only one tank is needed, just clean it out more often!!!
Done by others, as you certainly do not want that job! When I moved out of there, I had to get the tank cleaned as well, for the new owners. 200$
Remember, less water means less cleaning out. Sorry for being so long winded