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Old 04-30-2009, 09:31 PM
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Excellent info... I guess I should wait until the snow melts and to get my new RO/DI unit. How long will the chlorine stay in the system for? It seems like an easy fix but I better start researching a little bit about it...

Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
All shocking a well is, is chlorinating it. You can do this very easily yourself with a 5 gallon bucket and the chlorine you get for swimming pools. Mix a strong concentration in the bucket and pour it down the well. Let the well sit for a day or two without using any water, obviously this works best if leaving for a weekend. What I do as well is run some water through the house until I can smell a little chlorine in each tap to disinfect the pipes.

Once a day or two has passed, use a garden hose to drain the chlorinated water onto the lawn as you don't want it ending up in the septic tank. Not the end of the world if it ends up in there though, I've actually dumped "Prime" into the sink to de-chlorinate the water ending up in the septic system. Don't know if it did anything but I felt better about it.
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