Originally Posted by Delphinus
You ask for advice, you get advice. Sometimes the answer isn't what you want to hear, doesn't make it condescending.
If you go for it, I wish you the best of luck with it. Heck, please post pictures, they're beautiful. But understand that this is a really silly way to underwrite such a huge risk to yourself. It's one thing to take upon the risk yourself but what of to those who visit you or live with you?
I don't see how the care of one would be any different than for any other octopus species. Just don't touch it I guess. I still don't understand the appeal, but, whatever.
Well put Tony, gobytron one of the major things you need to learn about this board is that the people here are not out to get you, were not here to put down your ideas or gang up on you and flame the crap out of you. Simply put the people on this board are just concerned for the well being of the creatures we look after and the friends we make here.
IMO getting a blue ring is an absolutely horrible idea, sealed tank or not, there's a reason that venomous reptiles are not aloud to be imported/ sold and I think that should apply to the blue ring. THERE IS NO CURE, if you get bit unless you make it to the hospital you die, simple as that. Cephalopods are Re-nound for dying in captivity and relatively fast, I know people that don't even get them home and there dead in the bag. Fundamentally your argument of "its already at the Pet store" is really flawed, if you
PAY MONEY for it, the store says "wow we just made a profit on that lets bring in more deadly animals" and letting Big Als do this is as good as murdering people... If you decide to go ahead with it, good luck I would love to see some photos but you have to determine if the benefits out weigh the costs.
EDIT: untamed posted pretty much the same thing as me at the same time. Is there an echo in here?
Lol I think there is, in the span of 5 mins like 7 people posted page long posts of all very similar info. Eh great minds think alike?