My advice is don't. Don't underestimate the danger. You will have to have a completely (and I mean completely) escape proof tank and be extremely cautious. These are deadly animals in the same way rattlesnakes and cobras are deadly animals. I don't recommend people keep deadly snakes either. Tetrodotoxin is extremely potent. It takes very little to kill you. One small slip and that could be he end. If you want to take the chance that is your choice but this is advice based on actual knowledge of what that toxin can do to you. If you get bitten you better hope that you can get help within a very short period of time to start artificial respiration and possibly CPR.
The other issue is it sends the wrong message to Big Al's. They should not be selling the livestock that they do and buying it tells them it's okay to sell it. Sure, some other unsuspecting slob might just buy it but it would be much better to ask for the manager and demand that they take that animal away. Maybe call animal protection or the fisheries and wildlife department. I don't think Big Al's could get away with selling cobras so why is a blue ring octo okay? They are equally dangerous.