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Old 04-29-2009, 03:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Mrfish55 View Post
Whats wrong with that?? all it's missing is a little hockey tape to hold it together I feel for you, I just opened up the panel to add a dedicated line for the fishroom and just about fainted, worst case of DIY electrical work I've ever seen, booked an electrician today to come and straighten it out asap.
I'm so glad Kevin is an electrician. Some of the stuff we found elsewhere was just as bad. There is aluminum wiring throughout the house and the stuff in the basement (the one switch on the old bathroom wall) that was HOT! to the touch. Plus the insulation has split open in some places.

In the end though, I love my house, and all its 1950s secrets and charms. How many people can say they have a laundry shoot? And use it? A little bit more hard work and a few more dollars into it, and everything will good again!
I glue animals to rocks
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