Originally Posted by JDigital
I did have a few PMs about the category and that they didn't think any of the tanks were "innovative" based on the definition I provided. I was straight forward and told them they are not obligated to vote. I didn't have 30+ PM's about it (thank god! haha), but if it hadn't been for your water change system (not something you see on a nano setup very often), I probably wouldn't have voted either to be honest.
You did say you were gonna kick ass in your first post in your build thread.. You are definitely doing that in the other votes. haha!
ahah Nothing too special about the water change system. Lots of people have water change pumps. I just tee-d into my main pump so I didn't have to by a new one. I just like how it shoots out the bottom of the stand ahah. Like my stand is taking a pee blahaha. I thought the return coming in the overflow (which wasn't actually my idea ahah) was more innovative than the water change, same as the sump beside the tank for easy access (I'll take credit for that

) Plus part of the budget or not, the stand does bring it all together well. It accommodates my tank/sump design which I would think is something that's important for any system, but I guess we all think differently which explains the voting number difference.... kinda still doesn't totally make sense in my mind

I'm surprised those people could vote for a "Best Tank" because are any of them truly the bestest tank in the whole world... oh right it's best one in the contest... wait... kinda like most innovative for the contest.