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Old 04-27-2009, 07:43 PM
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Default LF: Artificial Coral or hitching posts

My husband and I recently got a couple seahorses. The tank has live rock and live sand, but our seahorses seem to have faded and after researching think that maybe they would be happier with some color as they like to camouflage with their surroundings.

Eventually we would like to find proper lighting (T5, MH, or Power Compact) but it's difficult to find in 20" fixtures. When we get some form of higher watt lighting, we will get some macro algae, but until then we are looking for some realistic looking coral, or any ideas on some more hitching posts that would add some color to our tank and therefore make our ponies a little happier

thanks in advance.
freshwater 55gallon bowfront

Saltwater 55gallon column seahorse tank

saltwater 65G mixed tank w/ 30G sump
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