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Old 04-26-2009, 05:32 PM
chandigz chandigz is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: nanaimo bc
Posts: 257
chandigz is on a distinguished road

I have some growing on my live rock. I don't really want it but have been saving it for anyone that wants it, so I could chip the rock and remove the holdfast if you want to mount itl or just send some branches if you just want it floating. I live in Nanaimo so I could probably send some to Vancouver by bus or float plane(COD). PM me if your interested.
72 gal bowfromt mixed reef sps dominated, 25 gal mineral mud type sump/refugium Skimmerless
2x250 14000k phoenix hqi 2x96 pc actinic, 50x flow
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