Thread: Car Thread
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Old 04-21-2009, 04:38 PM
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Ron99 Ron99 is offline
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Yeah, to much tolerance for crap from teens these days. I actually followed some dumb a$$ into his high school. He was speeding and weaving in and out of traffic and passing in the oncoming traffic's lane on a fairly rainy day. In the end I think he got to his school about 30 seconds quicker. I followed him in and gave him an earful. The Vice Principal was outside and came over so I told him what had happened and he said he would speak to the kid and his parents. Don't know if he did but I'm tired of Canadian apathy. I see teens heading in and out of the high school driving like idots all the time. People need to speak up and do something when we see stupidity. living on the west coast I see alot of really dumb driving. Not sure why but it seems to be a west coast thing :-(
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