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Old 04-20-2009, 08:35 PM
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Default Getting Out, all live stock must go, Edmonton

As stated I am taking a break from the hobby so I need to get rid of all my livestock.

I have:

2 Clowns ( I believe they where farmed)(will only sell together)solld
1 Flame Hawkfish sold
1 Coral Beauty (reef safe, never touch any of my corals that I noticed)sold
1 Fairy wrasse (not sure the exact kind but looks like the one JL has for their wrasses heading)sold

1 med orange and purple mushroom rocksold
1 med green mushroom rock
1 frog spawn frag
1 lg leather finger coralsold

60 to 70 pound of tonga live rockSold

Make me a reasonable offer on any one or all and I won't say no

Also I am not sure if I am going to sell my setup right away but if anyone is interested they can make me an offer. I have a 65 gallon glass drilled, with 36" tek lighting VHO, and a AquaC remora protein skimmer, plus pump, stand and sump.
You can email me @

thanks for looking

65 gallon reef tank with a sump, 75 pounds LR, 2 150 watt metal halides.

Last edited by BigT; 04-22-2009 at 07:04 AM. Reason: updated
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