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Old 04-20-2009, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
You know it must be a Shorthair thing because when I had him over at my parents he would do the same thing to their pomeranian. Now he tries to bully and tease their Irish Setter but that never goes over to well when she is 2" taller and 10 pounds heavier.

Who did you get your Shorthair from?

Here is my guy, he come from Firepoint in Lethbridge. CH Firepoint Diego FD "Diego" (CH Navigator Kittyhawk FDJ x CH Malhaven Maximum Ice).

Great looking dog.
Mine came from a breeder in Brackendale here in BC.
I showed him for the first year, but had him fixed after that as showing a dog is another hobby all in its own, and too much of a commitment for me.
He grew up with that Chi and the are actually just playing. I have lots more pictures like that.
They sure have personality I love mine.
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