Thread: clam nipper???
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Old 04-17-2009, 02:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
do you have peppermint shrimp or cleaner shrimp? I had a clam that was looking nipped.. I founf after lights out the shrimps were coming out and dining on it. I took the shrimp out, and the clam healed right up.
my tailspot wrasse makes a fast meal of anything even resembling a shrimp (well or any other mobile invert for that matter, brittlestars know better to stick an arm out of the rockwork when the lights are on )

I'll have a look at the regal, he didn't seem as interested as the scopas today. I think I'm also going to inquire about a babysitter today. I'm really worried about a couple of them that aren't opening. How are they getting their energy supply? Or for that matter, how are they getting enough water supply with being closed for a goodly portion of the day? I noticed also last night that one has a few pale spots on it, almost like its bleaching. I'm not sure if that is a sign of poor health or what but its almost like they're trying to tell me something.

Bloody clams! Why do you have to be so beautiful yet such a pain in my arse!!??
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