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Old 04-17-2009, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
I'm not sure how any solenoid valves will hold up in saltwater, but for fresh water top off you can use Rainbird sprinkler valves which run on 24VAC so you'll need an adapter. These valves come with a 5 year warranty and are guaranteed to fail in the off position. They also don't leak at low pressure like some other types are suppose to. Been using them for years with no problems and the only part you'll ever have to replace is the solenoid itself which is easy to get and replace. I never liked the look of those smaller solenoid valves made for the hobby, I'd rather use a well known proven product.

There's lots of all plastic valves working in industry, with alot worse substances than SW. There is a few classes of material's. But on average, they will be just fine with SW applications.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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