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Old 04-17-2009, 06:00 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Might have been a false alarm.

My fiance came home today and was like 'What??? I thought we had decided the big tank WAS STAYING as the reef!'

Im not sure where we got mixed up but she is pretty much against it being an 'ugly FOWLR' (her words). Apparently she thought we were putting the Golden Puffer in the reef...riiiiiiight.

Anyways, she says absolutely no to a second tank until we buy a house one day.

Oh well...looks like those of you who were kind of disappointed will be relieved

I will have to take some new pictures soon of the new aqua/coralscape since the last rock slide. Especially since apparently the tank is staying as is.

Why am I slightly disappointed????
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