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Old 04-17-2009, 02:26 AM
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Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat View Post
No offense taken. I have to wonder though. You allways talk and remind us about the fact that things fail. Yet your only using a single float operated ATO? Do you have a second High High level float on your ATO in case the one sticks?

I have at present, one flaot that operates my ATO to. It signals a timer. The float has to be "switched" for 10 min before the pump turns on. Then when the leven switches the float off, the pump shits off. BUT, there is also a nother float that shuts the whole thing down. This float is set up above the water line. Where it won't get salt creep and lessens it's chance of sticking and causing the system to fail.

Just wondering
Many of the atos I've installed including the one I use is actually a profilux, it's a single float which uses a maximum on time for safety. You can connect other floats to control the ato in other ways but never have.
I also make a system which uses two floats, one for primary use and the second set higher just for safety if the primary should fail. The system also operates on a timer for additional safety. I feel such a system is essentially fail safe unless someone where to over ride the timer and both floats fail.
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