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Old 04-17-2009, 02:18 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Originally Posted by JDigital View Post
Ohhhh sad news... I really liked your reef man... its a great looking tank.. FOWLR's just seem to lack something IMO... (corals! haha)

Anyways, good luck with the switch..
Well I am way more of a fish guy and a small coral tank will easily keep me happy. Puffers in the big tank will also keep me very happy.

A much lower electric bill will keep my fiancee happy. Not to mention the savings in salt, additives and ZEO. To be honest though, using cost as an excuse isn't really fair. It's not like I can't afford the tank.
Plus she has never actually complained about the cost...hahahaha.

Its all around just better for us. Not to mention its looking like I will be moving to California next year in summer (fiance and I both have job offers down there....hers is to work on a very high budget film and we can't turn it down) and I don't want a huge reef to take dismantle.

Really in the end though, I think having my friend say he wants me take the Golden Puffer is what did it. I really want him!!!

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 04-17-2009 at 02:31 AM.
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