Originally Posted by sphelps
So do a water change every three weeks. I have a system setup on my tank similar to what I described earlier but I have to manually activate the pump, this way I can do it whenever I'm available. Takes about 2 minutes to change 10 gallons and I don't have to have premixed water ready prior to this. Best of all the hole system is just a pump on a switch and bucket of salt with a cup 
So, you add 10g of fresh water to tank, THEN add salt? Isn't this bad? Takes a while for the salt to mix thoroughly, doesn't it?
You've followed a couple of my other posts, you know I like making things complicated LOL

Now, if I could rig something to dispense pre measured amounts of salt daily, then I could do a .5g daily auto change and add salt directly to the Sump. Key is getting the salt dispenser to work right.
I know nothing is failsafe, and This is not to get me ouyt of doing the tank checks. I am a Maintenance Electrician, Know all about PM checks and things failing and such. I would really like to be able to make sure the tanks water is god when I am away at camp for 3 weeks at a time. The Mrs isnt allways on top of things.
Sure, I could make up 25g of premix, and set up a drain/fill with that, BUT, I am also trying to get RID of the 2 rubbermaid cans in the dining room, not add more. If a effective ATO flush/fill and Water change setup could be devised, I should theoretically be able to get away with 5g or less RO storage