Thread: Drain questions
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Old 04-16-2009, 07:40 PM
trouble trouble is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: rocky mountain house, alberta
Posts: 16
trouble is on a distinguished road

yeah, i think im going to go with glass seems to me i skirt a lot of issues by going that route. really the only reason i was thinking about going with acrylic was because i figured it would be easier to cut the grate/teeth into it around the top. as far as seeing into though i am going to go with tinted or smoked glass i dnt want to see the plumbing behind it. so i will make the overflow out of glass and i've bee thinking of making a lid to fit to keep the light out of the overflow, so i think ill make that out of acrylic and put the teeth into a lip on the underside of the lid. the only thing i am undecided on is wether to have the overflow extend the full depth of the tank or just take up say 6" or so at the top.
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