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Old 04-16-2009, 04:08 AM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
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Location: Lyalta, East of Calgary
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The trick is automatically adding the salt, you could keep a storage tank with premixed water but I still don't see that as automatic. I've set one up that was fairly simple but not 100% automatic. Basically just pump water out into a drain on a schedule either weekly or daily (pump and timer) and simply let the auto top off fill the tank back up. The top off was connected to constant supply with a direct RO hook up and larger pressured storage tank. All you had to do was add a consistent amount of salt ever week (straight into a 'special' sump chamber) and just to be safe monitor salinity monthly. Very simple system, no need for a large storage tank and probably the easiest to actually operate. I did experiment with some hoppers to automatically add the salt but in the end it's pretty easy to add a few cups of salt ever week.
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