two displays, 3 surges, 2 sumps, 2 refugiums (or how to flood a basement?)
Well, Like the title says, the plan is for two displays (a 180 that is currently going) and a 70 that is cycling with some live rock. There is a 75 Gal refugium that will sit under it and a 65 Gal for grass that will sit off to the side. Two 55 gal sumps plumbed together will let the water level increase and decrease as the three 33 gal surge tanks fill. There will be a 10 Gal somewhere that will house an algal turf scrubber. I will post pictures as I take them (yah, I should upload the ones from today...) I was not going to do pictures origionally because I worry that while it is half finished (or a masterpiece in progress as I want to call it) that it will look ugly. Well, anyhow, I decided that being as most people on this board don't do DSB's, ATS's surges etc that I would put up some pictures.
As of now the 180 is running, the 70 is cycling, two of the surges are drilled and tested (one Bourneman and one Carlson device) the 75 gal has been resealed and one of the 55's is getting the silicone stripped. Right now the only thing that I have on the computer is the plan that I did in paint before modifications. You will get the idea, anyhow.
"Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." -- Frederick Bastiat