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Old 04-15-2009, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by my2rotties View Post
I do not feel attacked at all, but rather tired of every single post I make turning into something other then its intention. I posted these pictures because they are quite neat and nothing was done to make him do it... it is just Griffie being a puffer. I know many people would love to have puffers and cannot for obvious reasons... so I thought it would be fun to share mine.

I tend to agree with Snaz's observation on this and I don't know how long puffers live in the wild or the aquarium. I guess I will see what happens with my guy. I am very proud of him and how far we have come since he came home with me.

I do think all puffers do puff up and perhaps since they are night fish we don't typically see it happen.
Hey so then you know how I felt when you persisted in my copperband thread after I asked to please stay on the subject I hoped to stay on. That didn't last though as you and one other wanted to make it a cyanide/bacteria.ect. debate.

I think you said (paraphrased) that I had no say in what was discussed because your opinion was contrary to mine and you had every right to post your opinion. Along those lines anyways. Something about how I was hiding from the truth...I will look it up if you like. But you may remember better than I.

I agree, you did. Just as I gave facts about puffers here. It wasn't even an opinion in this case. My first post was NOT personal and actually not even directed at you. Someone gave false info and I stated a few facts. That was it. If the 'hes just stretching' comment was never made, then I would not have said anything more than nice photos. Actually I wouldn't have posted. Then after that my credibility was questioned and thats fair enough but my thread was from a year and a half ago before I knew any better. Although that calling out (not by you) made it personal.

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 04-15-2009 at 08:12 PM.
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