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Old 04-15-2009, 06:05 AM
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my2rotties is on a distinguished road
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Well I can honestly say I have provided Grffie with all that I possibly can give him. I have went through hell with this fish, and am very happy to have him with and he will always be with me for the rest of his life.

There is nothing I can do more I possibly do for him, and I know in my heart I have done more then anyone else would do. I hope he has a long and happy life for however log it might be. As sad as I would be to lose him, I will be in peace with myself knowing he had a wonderful and was the king of my tank.

I didn't post pictures to have a thread about puffing being bad for him. He just does it and my friend at the LFS says it is very normal and not to worry about it. This is not the store I bought him at obviously. I do not see anything stressing him out, he eats well, he is ich and disease free and his eyes are clear and bright... I can see him hunting my reef now after the lights are out, but he will have his face sucked against the glass when I come down in the morning.

I have done all I could and know I did and I am not going to constantly worry about his puffing. He does what he needs to do and I see no stress in him afterwards. Their skin is make to do this and I am not about to worry about him now... He is happy so I am happy.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
No I said I have a few pictures from a year and a half ago and don't know which one is which anymore. I have one from after he was bitten and one from the food incident. Actually I have a third from even before that and I have no idea why he was puffed. Unfortunately he used to puff a lot and only lived two years before suddenly dying.
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