Originally Posted by karazy
Isnt that the EXACT same picture you have on a thread thats basicaly the same as this one,
saying your puffer puffs up for food and its hilarious? So hilarious you were laughing so hard that you were almost crying?
link below:
Yup and since then I have learned a lot and know better. Actually I told my brother that story and he got pretty mad as he knew a lot more about puffers than I did at the time. I think this picture was actually from after he was bit on the tail though. Perhaps I have the two mixed up, don't remember anymore. But the point is that mine was puffing sometimes for food which is a sign of stress.
This is why I said a lot of myths about why they puff up are out there and unfortunately not true. Like stretching. A year and a half ago I would have believed that. I have kept puffers for 12 years now, 6 years saltwater and never knew these things until I was told. I tried to pass on the knowledge and basically got the 'doesn't apply to my puffer, hes just got personality' answer. No problem...I am learning (maybe too slowly) to just keep my mouth shut and not bother giving advice unless its asked for around here.