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Old 04-15-2009, 01:36 AM
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It's all good, he is my fish and I know him very well. I think it all depends on personality and such, Griffie pitched a fit at me for ignoring his begging once and blew himself up (that sounds funny). I dropped in his cube and he deflated right away. He still does it to this day if I am not feeding him fast enough since he knows it gets results. He probably did it this morning to my husband since he was hungry and Frank was not feeding him I (my job and I was not out of bed yet). Perhaps I taught him a bad habit with positive reinforcement... He blows himself up and I give him food. People train animlas with this method all the time...

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I wrote out a long response but its not fair to start a debate in your picture thread about why puffers puff. I would stop reading the source that says they do it to make sure 'everything is working properly' though.

You know best.
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