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Old 04-14-2009, 07:15 PM
trouble trouble is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: rocky mountain house, alberta
Posts: 16
trouble is on a distinguished road

yes herbie, thats it thank you, yes it seems after some new research i don't think im going to go that route, i am planning however to have a refuge in my sump and a 20g tank off the side that i will find a way to pipe every thing in together in the future. i had already planned on having ball valves on everything if for no other reason than to shut everything in if necessary had never thought to use them as a choke thank you. i have already had problems keeping the heat down so will have to find a way to counter affect that if it becomes more of a problem. as far as what live stock i was planning i was interested in clams but based on info stating that they like a calmer atmosphere will be steering away from them based on the fact that i already have some softies that like the flow. speaking of not sure on the proper edeqite have a few questions regarding some live stock in my tank do i carry on here or post a new thread
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