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Old 04-14-2009, 05:57 PM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
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GreenSpottedPuffer is an unknown quantity at this point

No taking him out will not change the tank much. I exaggerate very much when it comes to aggression because to me fish just looking at each other wrong is bad. I have kind of a zero tolerance thing for aggression.

A few people have been by recently to see the tank and actually laughed at what I call 'aggression'. Its really not that bad and no fish are cautious/stressed because of him including the tusk. I just prefer that the once or twice a day that the Hippo chases the tusk stops. They swim side by side most of the day in fact...

I have not seen him chase the tusk in a few days now.

I refuse to take him to a LFS. I care about this fish and need to know he goes to a good home.
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