I had the same dilemma with my sohal tang for the past two months. I trapped him the other day and put him in my 90g. I thought I would keep him there for a time out. Then I saw a totally different community tank. My fish were out grazing, playing in the powerheads and were so happy and much more interactive. Fish that I would not see very much were out and about almost like they did not know my tank anymore...
I knew right then the sohal could never go back into my display. My sohal picked on a few fish but I did not realize his dictatorship in the tank. I brought him back to the LFS and I know they will find him a good home. As bad as I felt about it and how much I enjoyed this fish, he made life miserable for everybody.
I can bet if you took him out for a break you would never put him back in. I thought he just picked on a couple of fish, but everybody was stressed out by his presence. I feel bad I kept him for so long now. I might miss him, but nobody else does.