Originally Posted by jsmth321
The main sponsor is from Guam and Guam does have a serious issue of introduced species that are wrecking havoc on native bird populations, so I can see why it would be of importance to that particular member of congress.
It would be better to mandate each state/territory to bring up their own list as a species that is a threat to Florida may not be one in Maine.
See now that's completely unrealistic.
It would require that the representative actually invest time and attention to crafting a bill that would allow and require each state to do the the job. You'd then need some kind of reporting and monitoring framework, etc. Way more work to draft that bill than having your unpaid intern write a two pager while you attend a $2000 a seat fund raising dinner. It might even require the representative to actually miss a couple of those fund raisers and that can't happen.
This is why this legislation doesn't especially worry me.