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Old 04-13-2009, 03:22 AM
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Originally Posted by jsmth321 View Post
Dogs, cats and goldfish and some farm animals have an exemption.
Yes, I was aware of that, the point I'm trying to make is, where do you draw the line? What makes one species more harmful to the 'native' land than another?

You should see the headlines in Kelowna due to the feral rabbit problem in the city. It's hilarious. Downtown is overrun with the critters and on one side you have the folks that want them gone no matter how and the other camp is in a tiffy because of the 'method' used to cull them. And it was so called pet lovers that created the problem in the first place because they set them loose after the novelty of having one wore off.

In the south Okanagan there's an issue with wild horses and I remember living in Ottawa, people complaining about the 'native' deer population being a danger to drivers. If people just used a little common sense and took responsibility for their actions with respect to pet ownership, there wouldn't be a problem nor a need for some misguided politician to draft up something like this. People are losing their jobs/livelihood and certain politicians have nothing better to do than come up with something like this?

Ok, gotta calm down... Happy Easter.
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