Thread: scary
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Old 04-12-2009, 02:54 PM
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He, he, I don't think something like this has a hope. You'd have to include dogs, cats, the list goes on. They'd be killing a huge industry. All those eccentric actors/actresses would have to give up their puppies with the fashion hairdos and pink highlights in their fur. Maybe they should consider banning non indigenous humans too, especially the wacky ones that keep coming up with this stuff.

I get a real kick out of the average schmoe not being allowed to bring some agricultural products, like an apple say, across the border between BC & Washington. Could be some pest or disease in there. Yet tropical fruits like bananas, pineapples etc. come into virtually every northern/western country daily. Who knows what lurks inside those shipping containers, despite the toxic pesticides they use to supposedly render them safe from hitchhikers.
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