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Old 04-12-2009, 02:31 AM
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sharuq1 sharuq1 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Posts: 868
sharuq1 is on a distinguished road

<--I vote this smilie should be on our smilie board!

I guess I am kind of the informal spokeperson for the canreef site now, so here goes...

I think they will be making a website soon, contributions would be very welcome. Also if anyone is interested in sponsoring it would be nice to get some communication going with that as well. We have both freshies and salties in the group so far, and some freshies interested in becoming salties who'd like help.

Discounts or something for group trips down to a sw store in calgary or edmonton would be nice. (Kevin? Dennis?) Anyone willing to help with organizing events, ideas, etc. would be great.

Jim is the leader on this one, so please contact him with your ideas and any questions from the no. in one of the above posts.

If you're interested in having some one to personally come over and help you set up your tank or troubleshoot, there are a couple members who can try to help out, including myself. Much of the group is not on the net, so communication might end up taking place mostly via the meetings or phone. Just remember though, we don't have as wide a base of experience to call on just yet for sw, but will do our best with what exp. we do have to help out newcomers.

Due to lack of formality at this point we will not be held libel for any advice/help given. If you want to take said advice or help in good faith, it's your risk to take and the group or its member can not be held libel. (Apologies for even having to mention that, but nobody wants to get sued.)

We're also tossing around the idea of having a trade/garage sale get together at some point, bring equipment to trade or sell. Everyone has stuff lying around they don't use that could maybe benefit someone else I would imagine. No one has taken the leadership reins up on this one, so if you are interested in doing so, please contact Jim.

If you're from out of town, you are more than welcome to join up, there is no cost as of yet. This is a pretty informal group. Just fish lovers getting together to talk fish and have fun.

We`d like to have the meets over at different member`s houses to keep things fresh and to see a variety of set ups. Feel free to volunteer to be the next meeting place (contact Jim).

Tougher questions and issues are best dealt with over canreef or for fw on albertaaquatica due to the vast knowledge base of truly experienced folks on these great sites.

Last edited by sharuq1; 04-15-2009 at 04:48 PM.
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