Originally Posted by edikpok
Would you guys recommend putting a cowfish or a dogface puffer or a dwarf lionfish in a 29g cube?
On an unrelated topic - is it bad if you have your tank standing close to a speaker? (not subwoofer!)
forgot to address these parts
I say no to all of those. I would like to see even the small puffer species (tobies) in 40g or more. dwarf lion minimum is 30g imo, so you miiiiiight get away with a dwarf lion, but I don't recommend it. just a note: you have to remember that your BC29 is essentially a ~24g tank since about 5g of space is taken up by the chambers.
further on lionfish:
imo, yes, it is a bad idea to have a tank near speakers if they will be playing loudly. I have seen plenty of fish react negatively to loud speakers. If you don't play the things too high above normal talking levels it would be fine though.