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Old 04-11-2009, 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by edikpok View Post
I've had this baby for a while and recently I've been having some problems with my stock pump. It pushes out all the water out of its own compartment, but does not get refilled from the adjacent compartment. So it basically blows out air! Has anyone encountered such a problem before? The pump itself there a way to regulate it?

Would you guys recommend putting a cowfish or a dogface puffer or a dwarf lionfish in a 29g cube?

On an unrelated topic - is it bad if you have your tank standing close to a speaker? (not subwoofer!)

I recently set up a BC 29 myself. The water level in chambers 2 and 3 should be the same (chamber 2 is the middle chamber and chamber 3 is the one with the return pump). If it isn't then I would say that the foam filter beside the return pump is somehow plugged up. Like the last person said you might as well get rid of the foam as it is a nitrate trap.

Most people ditch the bio balls in chamber 2 and keep the water level topped up to the elbow where the return line goes into the back of the tank. You can ignore the maximum and minimum fill lines on the side of the tank as they are only required if you are running the bio balls.

As for other mods I have also widened the overflow between chambers 1 and 2. I got rid of the false bottom in chamber 2. I also got rid of the false bottom in chamber 1 so that my heater would fit. Getting rid of this only requires pushind down hard enough to break the silicone.

None of the fish that you have mentioned would be remotely suitable for a BC. Cowfish and Puffers get really big and even a Dwarf Lionfish would produce a huge bioload in that tank. Stick with small fish for Nano Aquariums.

Here is a link with lots of information for this tank.
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Last edited by Palster; 04-11-2009 at 02:26 AM.
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