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Old 04-10-2009, 09:08 PM
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I really dont think its whining, Im not fromm Edmonton but have been spending alot of time up there since my brother lives there. I know that Grand prairie is pretty far away from the city, I guessing that he is more ticked off for driving in to visit the store and finding out that some stuff didnt turn out the way it planned. I would be ****ed too. I know Lando works that and he was telling me tha tJosh has been spending alot of money to get this store up and going and opening up a new store can reek havoc on a people when every one from but the queen comes in when you getting this and this and this how much for this and that. So may be Ryan statingthat you spend $400 on AI is not really what you should of said, statting it at the time you were peeved off but voicing that here will just start another flamed thread here and that is what we do not what to happen. instigating that is just going to start and get this thread going and then the Mods are going to shut it down...

there are other ways of voicing your opinion too, and freedom of speech there is a limit
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Last edited by Skimmerking; 04-10-2009 at 09:11 PM.