Well whatever its the truth you are never going to sell enough product by keeping it in the dark.
There were never any intentions of doing this, as you would know if you've been paying any attention to different threads or talking to the staff that work there. Sure, there's no lights. Right now. They're coming.
It's just like there's no floor in my lizard room.
And my garage is messy.
And I still need to transplant some of my plants.
Things come up that have priority over others. Their fish are healthy and seem happy (as happy as a fish can be?) so if there are other things that have to be done, of course they can only work on one project at a time. Time is short for anyone, and I'd be surprised if they got everything done overnight. If you're so worried about it, just don't shop there. You've said your piece, so as one person put it.... stop whining.