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Old 04-09-2009, 12:21 AM
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Rbacchiega Rbacchiega is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
What is pyramiding? The bumpy parts on the shell are extra bumpy? (Just a guess, I'm actually not being a smartaleck for once..)

What's the deal with turtles and tortoises in Alberta? Is it, you can keep them, just nobody can legally sell them, is that what it is? I find our F&W laws a bit confusing. For example I understand it is illegal to possess Dendrobates terribilis but other PDF's are fine. (Or are you showing us pictures of contraband now? LOL.)
You got it Tony, Pyramiding is the extra bumpiness. A healthy tort should have little to no pyramiding. The subject is pretty debatable depending on who you talk to...some say pyramiding is natural, but those tend to be the people who feed all torts one type of food.

Different tortoises require different diets/living conditions. Sulcatas are from arid, dry places and their diet consists of little to no animal protien. The only protien they really get is from various grasses that they eat. Feeding too much at a time can also cause pyramiding.

Red foots, like Mark is talking about, prefer a more humid climate and can handle a wider variety of food including some fruits, whereas sulcatas can't because they are too high in sugar. It's hard for some people, because realistically, I'm pretty sure my two would eat a hot dog if I put it in front of them, so people assume that because their eating it, it can't do any harm....

whoa...end rant
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R. Bacchiega. Tattooer
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