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Old 04-06-2009, 06:22 PM
PFoster PFoster is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 576
PFoster is on a distinguished road

Thanks A-Q!

Sorry we didn't get back to everyone sooner, the weekends is quite crazy around here and we don't usually have a chance to respond to pm's or emails Friday until Monday morning.

In terms of availability for the zoanthids, we have the following numbers available as of today:

Purple Halo Palythoas - only 4 left that still need to colour up a bit and 2 that have Protopalythoa growing on the frag plug with them.
Bam Bam Orange Zoanthids - 10 available
Deep Water Zoanthids Red - 8 available $25 pieces
Deep Water Zoanthids Green - 1 available $25 piece, 1 available $30 piece
Deep Water Zoanthids Orange - 7 available $25 pieces
AUSSIE METALLIC RED Palythoa - just fragged up some more for your group order, 3 available $25 (5 polyp pieces), more could be fragged for you as well. We don't have any pics yet for this as these are so metallic, no matter what we do the pics look like they have been photo chopped.