Here are some of very impressive fauna products that are well worth shouting about
Ultra power phos.
Yes yer another oxide phos remover right?
Yer - WRONG!
Ultra power Phos is a highly potent very long lasting Phos remover, so much so that very little has to be used and your change over regime is cut dramtically. If you have phosphate and use phos remover to bring it down, this is a very serious product for you.
Available in sizes as small as 500ml and up to 2500ml!
Yes slightly more than you pay now, but you use less and it required less changing out!!!!
Ultra Power-Phos is a new wet Iron-hydroxide based adsorber which safely removes silicates and phosphates from the aquarium. The pollutants are bound to the surface of Ultra Power-Phos and will not be released again.
Ultra Power-Phos can maintain very low nutrient concentrations in your tank. Unwanted Algae growth will be stopped and corals will show their natural colours.
Instructions and Dosing recommendation:
Please do all changes in the aquarium carefully and slowly. Start with 100 ml per 300 L of water. After 5 days the dose can be increased up to 150 ml per 300 L of water. Never use more than 200 ml for 300 L of water.
To obtain best results and maximize adsorbtion efficiency, place the material between two layers of filter wool or use a fluidized-bed-reactor.
Check phosphate concentration regularly with reliable test kits, e.g. from Salifert, Macherey & Nagel, or Merck / Rowa.
Do NOT use UltraPowerPhos in tanks that already have very low phosphate concentrations.
If phosphate concentrations start to increase again, exchange UltraPowerPhos for fresh material.
UltraPowerPhos is suitable for fresh and seawater. The material can warm up when getting wet for the first time. The red colouration of the water is caused by the fine dust attached to the adsorber. It is not harmful and vanishes quickly. Do NOT rinse the adsorber before use