I highly recommend using a phosphate remover (I use Rowaphos in a bag in a small Aquaclear filter in my sump). I find it really helps with those pesky algae blooms when cycling a tank and I still use it in my established tank. It also removes some silicates.
I have also signifigantly reduced lighting cycle to help prevent any algae from smothering any corals & rock/sand when cycling a new tank.
Good luck.
90gal Starfire mixed reef, 400W MH (Giesemann 13K megachrome/Icecap E-ballast), (2) 54W T5 Giesemann true actinic, 45gal sump (65W 50/50 PC), ASM G-3 Skimmer, Mak 4 return, Sequence Dart closed loop, foam backdrop, 120 lbs LR, 2" sandbed, & 1 dillhole running the show.