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Old 04-05-2009, 06:07 AM
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Originally Posted by RuGlu6 View Post
I second that 0 ppm water is bad, if you drink DI'ed water at 0ppm you body will draw minerals from bones and blood, its not immediately lethal of course, but I would not drink it for sure.
Good rate is about 150-200ppm I drink bottled water sometimes 2000 or more ppm but no longer then a week.
So for drinking: RO tap water is ok DI not good.
As Snaz said this is an old wives tale/urban myth. Drinking purified water will not draw minerals out of your body. No way; aint gonna happen; not possible. The main drawback will be a very bland flavour which many people don't like. Drinking water is a negligible source of minerals for your body. It all comes from your food. Pure water in your gut cannot absorb enough minerals from anything to draw it out of your body. So drink whatever water you want, it doesn't make a difference. Personally, I'm okay with tap water. Nothing wrong with it at all. I save the RO/DI for the tanks
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