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Old 04-05-2009, 05:30 AM
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Ryan Ryan is offline
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Location: Lethbridge, AB
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I was there today and wasnt too impressed. No lights over the tanks to see the fish and the coral tanks just had the T-5's going with 1 halide over the SPS and BTA. I asked if he could put some light over the tank with the flames any light even a flashlight. I explained I was looking for the flame with the most red. He looked at me like I was stupid and siad "what do you want me to do put the geismans over it?" I said any light will work, then I got the response that stopped me from buying any fish "Well if we sell a few more fish maybe we can afford lights" My girlfriend pipes up with "Well maybe if you had more light over the fish so we could see them we might buy a couple. He just walked away. I was pretty choked he would even get out a flashlight or somthing to put over the tank.

I wont be going back and will keep shopping at AI.